Follow along with us as DIDOTEC used Scriptcase to bring their development ideas to life over a 7-year relationship, creating systems like DIDOMONEY, which specializes in finance and financial control. Check it out below!


DIDOTEC is a company specializing in cloud software development. Its focus is to help improve your business by developing solutions tailored to your problem, reducing costs, and streamlining operations.



The main reason for developing DIDOMONEY comes from the personal experience of one of our partners. For years, they and their partner managed household expenses in a massive, increasingly heavy, and complex Excel spreadsheet. DIDOMONEY results from over 25 years of experience in seeking best practices for organizing and splitting expenses as a couple. It is ideal for couples living together who need to organize and divide expenses rationally and fairly.



We have been using Scriptcase for over seven years (currently using version 9.10). We chose SC because it allows us to generate developments at high speed, and the quantity of tutorials and support they provide is crucial. Another reason is related to the low level of PHP knowledge required to implement useful systems.





We have developed an application called DIDOMONEY that allows couples (spouses, boyfriends, friends, etc.) to maintain organized control of their expenses. The application calculates the monthly amount to be transferred between the members of the couple based on the proportion of the total expense that each should pay, according to their monthly income.


DIDOMONEY is a web application located at, and thanks to the responsive design of ScriptCase, it works very well on mobile devices.


The application has just been put into production, and we have recently started its promotional campaign. However, the operation performed by test users has been outstanding. The system works quickly and is very intuitive.


DIDOMONEY is a complete system that includes applications such as Expense Organizer, Tips for Personal Finances, Reports with useful information for financial management and organization, Expense Analysis Module, Transfer Calculator, and much more.






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By , Graduating in International Relations, I studied Information Systems. I have experience in the field of technical support and programming in Python. Currently I work with international marketing in the commercial department of Scriptcase.

January 31, 2024


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