Today we bring a case of success of the IMA – Institute Mineiro of the Mining and Agriculture


The Institute Mineiro of the Mining and Agriculture – IMA is responsible for the execution of the public policies of animal and vegetal health protection in the state of Minas Gerais.
It has 20 Regional Offices and 209 offices, which serve 853 municipalities in the territory of Minas Gerais


Current web languages ​​require the developer to have many lines of code, resulting in more complex and cumbersome projects. High costs, poor quality of the systems produced and long lead time have made IMA seek a solution in the market.


When buy the Scriptcase, a new stage in the development process began in the State of Minas Gerais. This tool has brought several benefits such as increased productivity, easy learning and maintenance.


Among some of the systems created with Scriptcase we highlight:

Agrotoxic Trade Control System, controls all authorized agrotoxic trade in the State of Minas Gerais.

Resource Request System, a system that controls the various activities of commercial establishments, linked to agriculture, livestock and agribusiness in the State of Minas Gerais.

Barrier Control and Surveillance System, a system to monitor the transit of animals / vegetables inspected in the fixed barriers of the IMA.

TIC Ticket Management System, a system that controls and manages all IT calls.


All the activities carried out by the IMA aim at the preservation of the environment and public health and are focused on the development of agribusiness obeying the guidelines set by the State and Federal Government for the sector.

The IMA serves 853 municipalities, through 219 Sectional Offices, 21 Coordinations, 16 barriers, and 2 laboratories. The number of servers of the Institution is about 1,400 people.

Before acquiring the software the overwhelming majority of the systems developed at the Institute were not Web, insofar as the technological backwardness entailed major drawbacks.

What we saw was that only programming knowledge would not be enough to achieve the expected results, lacked productivity, timely delivery of projects meeting deadlines and being agile, after all ‘time is money’. There was a need for innovation in the process as a whole, without losing quality. Scriptcase brought great results to the IMA and greatly improved the image of IT together with top management.


“Too good to be true,” is the opinion of the IMA developer team about Scriptcase. It would emphasize productivity as the greatest benefit of the tool, but it could not fail to highlight the satisfaction of delivering to the clients systems with a beautiful design, built in record time, saving hours of programming, with several functionalities and integrations. With Scriptcase the business is to Develop, Deploy and make money. “

Tiago Silva – Developer

Therefore, with the adhesion in 2005 of Scriptcase, the institute began a new stage in the development of software in the state of Minas Gerais, noting that Scriptcase brought several benefits such as increased productivity, ease of learning and maintenance. The systems developed by IMA with our solution have increased the agility in the service, they have promoted great reductions of the cost of maintenance and codification. They also improved the professionalism and quality of the systems produced while reducing the delivery deadline.

Scriptcase allows developers to focus their efforts on business needs and not on technology aspects

Systems developed with Scriptcase:

See more cases here: CASES OS SUCCESS

By , Graduating in International Relations, I studied Information Systems. I have experience in the field of technical support and programming in Python. Currently I work with international marketing in the commercial department of Scriptcase.

May 8, 2019


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