Ux Design: Companies are increasingly realizing that investing in the experience of users can bring benefit and excellent financial results. The most diverse digital channels (website, mobile site, application, etc.) are cash machines able to reach more customers, find new markets and facilitate consumer access to their goods and services. But if users have a bad experience when using these products or services, the business as a whole suffers. On the other hand, if users have a positive and enjoyable experience with the brand, they will bring friends and family to share this same experience.

Imagine a user of a shopping site, for example. If he is faced with difficulties or problems to find the desired product or even the steps required for the execution of a purchase, there are high chances that the simply closes the browser tab and goes to the competitor. If he cannot complete the purchase, not even the best promotion will make him buy the product. It is just one click and it will already be in another store.

But it is not only the users who benefit from the investment in UX, companies also improve productivity as well as gain more profit and return on investment.

UX, ROI and productivity

Dr. Susan Weinschenk, head of UX Strategy on Human Factors International (HFI), one of the largest companies in the world specialized in user-centered design, showed in a study that projects that have been designed with focus on user experience generated a significant return on investment (ROI).

To illustrate this importance, she cited some data found in the article Why Software Fails. For example, the estimated amount of time that programmers spend on avoidable rework is up to 50%. In addition, the cost to correct an error after the development is 100 times greater than correcting the same mistake before the project is completed. Thus, a project that contains the basics of UX since the establishment has less possibilities of errors and redesigns, which would only appear after the user contact with the platform.

Investing in User Experience also means cutting time and future costs with unnecessary maintenance, allowing that this saved amount is allocated to other needs and to business expansion. No wonder that UX Designer is one of the most popular positions in recent times according to Linkedin, justifying the running of companies by professionals who understand and master the subject.

Proving the importance of UX

Often we need more tangible evidence of real value in investing in UX within our companies. Here are some statistics gathered by the designer Jozef Toth on companies that saw favorable numerical results after implementing changes in the design of their products.

  • Infinite Scroll may decrease dropout rates in your homepage. The website Time.com reduced the drop by 15% after adopting infinite scroll on the homepage. (Source)
  • In 10 years, an investment of $ 10,000 in a company focused on design would have given a return of 228% higher than a conventional investment in the stock market. (Source)
  • Choosing a particular shade of blue resulted in additional income of $ 80 million dollars to Bing. (Source)
  • For every $ 1 invested in email marketing, the average return is $ 44.25. (Source)
  • 88% of online consumers claim that they are less likely to return to a site after a negative user experience. (Source)
  • Sites that are slow to load cost to companies $ 2.6 billion a year. (Source)
  • Users’ judgements about the credibility of a site is 75% based on their aesthetic quality. (Source)
  • 85% of adults believe that the mobile site of a company needs to be as good (or better) than the desktop site of the same company. (Source)
  • You are 64 times more likely to climb Mount Everest than clicking on a banner. (Source)

UX is investment with guaranteed return within any company – they have already realized that and are chasing it. Promoting a successful experience, clear, simple and easy for users increases considerably the chances of re-purchase of your product or service and also provides information to others.

Read more

By , UI/UX Designer & Frontend Engineer at Scriptcase.

June 17, 2016


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