Trends for web development

In this post you will see some Web Design, Digital Media and Development trends for 2017.

Immerse yourself and get to know a few bets for the future o/

Keeping up to date in a market in constant changes as in the development industry is not easy. We come across new devices, tools, frameworks, libraries and programming languages every day. However it is essential to remain attractive. We have selected to this article some trends in the development market for 2017. We hope you enjoy it!

We’ve divided the trends into 3 sections: Web Design, Digital e Development.

Web Design

  • Grids and frameworks

By the agility provided in the use of grids for design and development frameworks it is already common for designers and developers to use it. The frameworks may even increase the code size, but the speed of development provided by them is much more beneficial in their use for companies that produce many digital designs. The already established Bootstrap, UIKit and Foundation are prevalent in the web environment, but other front-end development frameworks are getting attention, such as SUzy, Jeet, and Breakpoint. All mentioned are and will be trends.

  • Semi-flat Design

The “Metro” style of Windows has become a web trend and was widely used in 2016, however a completely flat design can lead to some usability issues. The use of depth and dimension with the use of shadows, cards and transitions to the concept of flat design added more usability to it and was termed ‘semi-flat design’. This ‘new’ concept came to supply the usability problems of its precursor and is a very cogitated for the sites produced in 2017.

  • Material design

Created by Google, Material design is a visual language that “synthesizes the classic principles of good design with innovation”. The new layouts of Google applications are already using the concepts of Material design, they are: Gmail, Google Maps, Google Drive and Youtube. Designed with a user focus, it is shaped to create a hierarchy of meaning and importance on the page. The use of geometric shapes along with depth and realism behind more and more adepts along with their compatibility for various devices. It is a “living document” that is implemented as the Google team continues to develop it. There are discussions going on about what will become of its future, what we from now is that it is coming on the internet and it is a super trend for 2017.

  • Cinemagraphs

The use of photos, images and videos on websites in 2016 has grown and been extensively exploited for attracting more user attention and passing information faster and less stressful than reading. Video is even more impactful than an image due to movement, but it consumes more bandwidth, and impact through images, as it is already much explored, has become common. The cinemagraphs isn’t a new alternative, but not much explored, to impact with movement without the burden of slow loading. In 2017 they will not replace, but cinemagraphs are expected to be used as images and videos.


  • Augmented reality (AR) and Virtual reality (VR)

The success of the mobile game Pokémon Go was booming and ended up drawing market attention to technologies that were once only considered for gaming. Both technologies provide new possibilities for connecting with customers and delivering unique and memorable interactions.

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence becomes a reality when machines begin to learn from “errors and hits” to act more effectively, apply logical rules to reach a conclusion, recognize patterns, and can infer their “reasoning” from day to day. After decades of speculation in the science fiction world, AI has been coming true but there is still a lot to advance.  An example of how AI is becoming so much more present in our daily lives is the Apple’s virtual assistant, SIRI. “She” goes far beyond voice recognition, her development was based on a Pentagon AI project, one of the largest ever seen, the CALO (Cognitive Assistant who Learns and Organizes”) . According to Apple’s iPhone engineering director, Cheyer, he sought to integrate “dialogue and understanding of natural language, vision, speech, learning, planning, reasoning, service delegation, and integrating all this into a ‘humanoid’ assistant that could help you to do things.”

  • Document, Don’t create.

Are you a “storyteller” or do you “make history”? Snapchat and Instagram Stories have made it clear how ephemeral stories are relevant forms of brand communication. Showing stories about your company that are aligned with your mission and vision, or getting your customers to experience products or participate in some action of a product are increasing and continue to be a trend for bringing a high level of brand engagement. Bringing consumers inside the company showing how everything is done or bringing them physically to participate or try their action / product, with lives for example, can bring more audience than super productions, as these in addition to being more expensive may not work. Documenting from a brand consumer or himself is attracting more spotlight than creating something “magnificent”.

  • Chat Boots

Surely you’ve been served by a robot in some chat, and maybe the experience has not occurred in full. Imagine if you were served by a robot with artificial intelligence!? Think about a robot communication that is more “human”, without mood changes, without stress, without distractions and forgetfulness? If the “face” of your company is a robot, and your clients deals directly with it, then his personality is the UX. So, what personality has your brand?


  • The “Agile” methodology will continue to grow

Currently, about 80% of software development companies use the Agile methodology in their projects, and this percentage continues to rise.

The “rapid development” has drawn the attention of managers who are looking for more agility in development. The possibility of scope change throughout the project without changing the delivery date and value (finished parts of the project being delivered in the course of the deadline instead of delivering it only when the project is finished) make customers also more satisfied with the services provided to them.

  • Automation

IT automation refers to completing tasks in a non-manual way, a spam filter in an email is an example. However, unlike intelligent systems, automated systems do not learn from past experiences because they do not recognize standards.

Our prediction to the next five years is that there will be major transformations for IT automation, from the opportunist to the systemic implementation. The evolution must start from the current scripts for deterministic (workloads defined for tasks) and then for the heuristic project (data-based automation in operations). Heuristic automation is already used in banks, but they have a whole hardware device for that.

  • Version control beyond code

Version control is used for security in software development, however it can and should be used for the construction of artifacts. Not only versioning the referenced code, but the whole set of information regarding the current version of the program. Including all assets such as: web content; Diagrams; Art; Documentation and code; among others. This practice can aid in the successful practice of DevOps.

  • IoT (Internet of Things), ‘the Super Trend’

What is produced today in solutions for the ‘Internet of things’ is supposed to fall into disuse in the next two years due to the rapid development of it. For this reason, IoT is also known as “the next industrial revolution”, “the third wave of the internet”, “the Internet of Everything” and the one we chose as the “super tend”. The demand for qualified personnel, tools and methodologies is also growing at the same speed.

At the end of 2016 investments in solutions for IoT totaled US $ 6 trillion.

  • Big Data and AnalyticsThe analysis of unstructured data from various environments is already current and its growth is still exponential. The wide variety of solutions, the breadth of sectors in which it is used and its results corroborate to this growth. Collecting data from a variety of sources (such as mobile phones, computers, tablets, smart clocks, smart homes, smart cars, and other smart internet-connected devices) when combined and analyzed correctly can show your business what consumers think, want and how the market sees their brand.The increased amount of data coming from IoT requires a new architecture for capturing and processing more efficiently this data in real time.More and more decisions must be made based on the data analysis coming from these diverse environments.

Considering the trends for 2017, we are preparing important changes for Scriptcase. The release of Version 9 will bring important implementations focused on Business Intelligence (with a complete redesign in the Charts, Queries, Summaries and Dashboards), significant improvements in the security module, calendar application, redesign interface development and performance improvement environment migration to PHP7. Incorporating all these improvements Scriptcase follows as a powerful tool for rapid application development and gains an important differential also becoming a strong generator of managerial reports. In addition to a significant redesign in the interfaces for better usability of the systems generated by our RAD tool.

Don’t you know what Scriptcase is yet but you want to reduce your cost and time while developing software in PHP and increase productivity? So test it right now, use our Scriptcase code generator. Click here and find out how it works. (Link to home

See more articles in our blog.

By , Graduated in Internet Systems and certified in Google AdWords, I have 3 years experience in Web. Over the years I have had the opportunity of working as a Webmaster, Web Developer and Front-end Engineering. I am a post-graduate in MBA in Digital Marketing and I am currently working as the Scriptcase Digital Marketing analyst.

December 29, 2016


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