Hello, here are some tips, comments and interactions about database and tools like HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP with Scriptcase.

The goal is to improve your basic understanding about database, as well as improve your comprehension the PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript language within Scriptcase. Scriptcase uses HTML, PHP, CSS, JS and JQuery throughout development, so it’s so important know for every tool to improve the quality of your application, improving the elements that are needed don’t need the advanced knowledge in all.


We main objective is to enable, through Scriptcase, that you can identify the cost-benefits of using our environment, the step that streamlines your productivity, facilitating your work as a developer, and showing that it is possible yes, to create structured and systems with many or few technical repertoires.

The Scriptcase  was created for people who has little or high knowledge about development , for as to facilitate and lessen the time spent on  system development.

Scriptcase develops table-based applications and for well-structured database can in addition to avoiding rework will take advantage of the batch application generation of our tool and will route changes that are only needed for the specific key applications.

The development of a system must follow a logic of four essential steps:

  • User task model: initially is a “customer’s wants and needs”;
  • Conceptual model: moment when we decide how the construction will take place and what will be the structure of the system (a tip to facilitate modeling is the MySQL Workbench tool, since it offers the script creation functionality, as well as the creation of the tables from the modeling);modelagem-workbench

[Scriptcase provides the project diagram display function, with all applications, but not data modeling properly, so that’s why we have brought the tip of MySQL WorkBench.]

  • Logical model: the point where we define the data, functions and rules;
  • Physical model: finally is the representation of the database, with its interface and applications already effectively built.

The Scriptcase universe offers the great advantage of connections with more than one type of database (MySQL Server, MariaDB, MS SQL Server, MS Azure, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Firebird, MS Access, SQLite, Interbase, DB2, ODBC, Informix , Sybase, Amazon Aurora, Progress), regardless of which connection the client works, this results in a substantial development time gain.


Commands classes like CREATE, ALTER, DROP, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT, BEGIN, COMMIT, ROLLBACK, among others, are present conceptually in different types of database building tools. But the difference is in the way it’s displayed, and here comes the genius of Scriptcase, since it standardizes the development interface for all, streamlining the process and generating productivity increases. Our interface is simple and efficient, bringing the user closer to the application in a totally transparent way!

The system management can be done through the database or by Scriptcase itself, which would function as a ‘PHP Admin’, with its own peculiarities, of course!

Scriptcase offers a complete package of tools to streamline and facilitate the development of your projects, among which we highlight 7 that we recommend:

  • 1 – Auto Complete Macro [Ctlr + Space]: where all the macros as well as the available fields in a certain event are listed;
  • 2 – Insert Code: an ingenious facility, since it saves the developer’s work having to write codes of a routine nature;
  • 3 – Libraries: that is, the possibility of using internal and external libraries, offering the benefit of not having to enter the same code several times, noting that there are 4 levels of access: User (where only that particular user of the license can modify and maintain the source code of the project, whether internal or external), Project (where can only reference the library within the project), Public (any project can be shared between my libraries) and Scriptcase (already comes with the environment, and you can not change, delete or modify the library);
  • 4 – Toolbar customization: Scriptcase allows customization of the toolbar according to the user’s own preferences, thus facilitating and organizing the functions that are most important to him;
  • 5 – Standard Values: for our applications to be created at the speed and quality that Scriptcase proposes, as already commented throughout the text, it is necessary to first perform the data modeling, then create your theme and define the layout of your application , and then define the default values that will necessarily be the way the applications are created and their properties.
  • 6 – Database manager: within the Scriptcase the possibility of database management is already offered, so you can access the connection created within our environment, and you can perform various management actions, such as exporting tables, insert records, view organization schema of the applications, show structure, create new tables, among several others. This generates independence from database managers.
  • 7 – Data Dictionary: makes it easy to change the field without necessarily having to go through all the code manually, and more importantly, it would be the application’s language conversion, of course it does not migrate fully, but it saves the work required for this type of change.


Well, that was just a few basic comments and tips for all those who, like me, are starting to explore the simple, yet brilliant universe of Scriptcase.

If you need read more tips about Scriptcase:




Feel free to make your own observations about your experiences in our tool, we always hope they are positive and instructive experiences.

See you later!

By , Graduating in International Relations, I studied Information Systems. I have experience in the field of technical support and programming in Python. Currently I work with international marketing in the commercial department of Scriptcase.

January 29, 2019


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