A large proportion of websites, especially those ones that offer content, have specific sections on its layout aimed at providing advertising space to certain advertisers. This practice is very common and has been around since the early days of the internet. However, with the evolution of the form of access, a number of new practices and rules are being created so that this type of media is used more effectively. The mobile access now exceeds desktop access and, taking into account this scenario, many companies already provide specific formats of banners for mobile sites – but what changes effectively?

The first item that causes a banner need to be rethinking to mobile version is the screen size. The image, the concept and the art can be reconfigured to render any screen size, but its content needs to be rethought. A banner with numerous information may not have the desired effect, dispersing it.

Those who choose to own banners on a site need to consider that the art used in the mobile version has to be as objective as possible. The main message of the banner, whether institutional or commercial, must be direct. Because of the screen size account it is important to work with larger fonts so that the user can read key information without having to expand the banner for display.

By providing third-party banners through an affiliate program, for example, who takes care of all the dealings of the arts is the very tool that will provide the art for space. All necessary precautions have been considered and implemented at the time that the art is available for advertising. By the advertiser it is not required any action.

The greatest care is on account of those who create the banners, little care can yield good results! The desktop version of a banner can be worked more fully, with more visuals. On the other hand, mobile versions need to prioritize objectivity. There are cases in which the resource creation of banners is not compatible with technologies for mobile operating systems, such as Flash, so alternative solutions need to be implemented.

By default, banners for mobile versions use more simple, objective and direct images. This way you can then call the user’s attention without sacrificing graphics quality and visual impact offered by this appeal so strong and present in digital media.

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October 20, 2015


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