Mobile Advertisement: Advertising is present in practically everywhere: on your computer, on the street, on television; in general, where there is mass communication, there are the famous advertisements. With the ever-increasing rise in the purchase of handsets, smartphones and tablets, mobile advertising has become a reality that until then was far away.

In this article, we will cover advertising on the mobile web environment – that online advertising that is easily found on websites and also in search engines.

The latest report from Mary Meeker’s Internet Trends, one of the most respected in the world, shows that the mobile internet is growing faster than the general use: there are 2.8 billion Internet users, an increase of 8% since 2014 and 2.1 billion mobile users, an increase of 23%. This makes it easy to understand why everyone wants to advertise their products and services via mobile.

To be able to achieve this eminent audience on the web, some platforms provide resources focused exclusively on promotion via mobile.

Google, for example, offers in its advertising platform, Google Adwords, the configuration option of specific campaigns for mobile and tablet devices. Thus, the user can target this audience and display their targeted ads to someone who is using the Google search on its device.

In addition to advertising on Google itself, the search giant also offers advertising on partner sites, thereby making the strategy to be even more complete. Coverage of ads increases significantly in this format.

Another giant that offers resources for Mobile promotion is Facebook. Using the Ads Manager, you can create campaigns to publicize a site or fanpage on the social network. The cost is per thousand impressions, which facilitates and makes available this type of advertising for any user. It is important, however, rely on a professional consulting. It guarantees a higher yield to available budget, since, without proper optimization, the cost of the campaign can be high and the return targets can not be achieved.

The web mobile advertising every day becomes stronger and it is easy to understand why, since the business strength on platforms like Google and Facebook is very large. The possibility of generating leads from a powerful platform usually generates great results. People seeking products and services and companies that offer them make this universe has a potential of generating business that no other medium has.

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June 22, 2015


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