When you think about online marketing the first reference that comes to mind is Google, because today it accounts for over 90% of search on the internet then the reference ends up being very natural. But a few terms related to this work have been generating many questions and among them, those that stand out are the terms Paid Search and Organic Search.

Paid search and organic search are two ways of appearing in the search results of a search engine. Paid search is the space for the companies that pay for advertising in search engines using platforms provided by their own search engine like Google Adwords, for example. Organic search is the inverse of paid search, it appears just below the sponsored results and uses a specific algorithm to outline what sites will appear in the top positions.

To achieve a good result in each of these searches need to execute a specific type of service. Paid search is necessary the service management tool used by the search engine for display advertisers, for organic search is necessary to implement the SEO service that focuses on improvements in various parts of the site so that he can better positions us search results.

Thinking of return on investment, the return of paid search is faster since it is only necessary to configure the tool so that the ads start running, but it is necessary to invest in the management of the campaign and also the budget for the ads to appear, that way you always get stuck and his investment strategy will depend largely increase this investment to grow. In organic search, the return may take longer to arrive around 3 months or more, but with an ad positioned at no more cost per click and the site as a whole benefit because the actions of optimizations impact all areas related to the part online of business.

A good analysis of the current need can help you direct your efforts to the best way to achieve the best results. Therefore it is important to determine goals and research well before opting for one or another type of search.

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October 30, 2013


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