Product pages need to sell! The statement seems obvious, but is increasingly common to find product pages in virtual shops that simply do not sell, especially when accessed via mobile.

Product pages for mobile versions end up sinning in important points and, because of that, they do not manage to achieve the desired performance. The first step to success in creating this type of page is to think how the product will have the necessary emphasis for the sale itself to happen.

The analysis for mobile version needs to be done horizontally – thus, the main product information should be available soon in the beginning. Considering the order of importance, the elements should be displayed to the user as follows:

1. Product name

2. Product Images

3. Button “Buy”

4. Payment Methods

5. Product Details


7. Assurance and security seals

Note that each of these elements helps the user in the decision-making process. The user that already knows the product, has earlier at the beginning more consistent information for its purchase phase. The name of the product, the images and the “Buy” button are available for those in a hurry to make a purchase, either because they already know the product or because of the consumer profile.

For the user that needs more data, additional information is provided following. This need for information is felt in many cases, for users who are not so sure about the purchase of the product. In such cases, provide technical information and guarantees concerning the quality of what is offered can make the user feel comfortable in making the purchase.

Guarantees are essential, so relying on comments and security seals can be crucial to sales success from the page. In the mobile version, although both are at the end of the relevance list, their presence is indispensable.

The mobile version has to be objective, but that does not mean it needs to be poor on information. Understanding the user’s needs and adapt it to its access reality is a challenge, but with proper analysis it can yield very satisfactory results for the business. Considering the growth of mobile accesses, it is impossible not to reveal this user profile, providing the means to buy it and have access to information related to the product offered.

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July 6, 2015


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