The Sybase database is a great option provided by SAP Company, currently this DBMS has gained much space in the market for Web development and can you have more information about this on our official page about Sybase in PHP projects. Because of this situation it is important to understand how the database works and then we’ll learn how to perform a query on tables that are contained in it.

Using SQL language, the command used to query records in the table is SELECT. Check it out below.

SELECT [Columns] FROM [Table]

The syntax used is very similiar to other DBMS, so it is very simple to understand it if you’ve mastered some database that uses it. Below we go to a practical example where a query is performed on the Products table.

SELECT Name, Price, Color FROM product

In the example above the query will return all records from the table, but for that you have more quality of the analyzes you can still use other command like:

  • ORDER BY: Used for ordering data table from column;
  • GROUP BY: Used for grouping data table from column;
  • WHERE:Clause used to filter a query from a conditional.

SELECT Name, Price, Color FROM product ORDER BY Name

SELECT Name, Price, Color FROM product GROUP BY Color

SELECT Name, Price, Color FROM product WHERE Price > 500

In the first example the query will return the data sorted by the Name column, in the second we have a query grouped by the colors of each product and the last query only products that cost more than 500 dollars.

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By ,

October 14, 2013


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