People are fond of open sources all the while. It is all free for everyone. Why should we go for one?  What are the main advantages of open source applications?

  • Open source is something that is free to be used by all
  • Distribution is easier
  • Modification is easier
  • Assistance and help could be obtained from varied places such as the social media, forums, and so on, with better ease as there will be a number of users that have already tried the facility. You are one among the majority of the users that have used, tested and identified the pros and cons quite effectively. Seeking guidance and help will be made easier.
  • Since the codes are accessible to everyone from any part of the world, these codes are highly secured.
  • Anyone has the rights to get the bugs fixed then and there. There is no need to wait for the next version to be released by the manufacturers.
  • There is no dependency upon the company that has introduced the concept or the author that came up with the proposal
  • There is no need to go for complex licensing models for the companies that are using the open source software.

The main advantages of open source applications push the user’s community all over the world to take advantage of the facilities and resources of such a kind quite effectively. It is why there are lot of companies that take this strategy to be a useful tool to gain that initial recognition for their products and services at global levels. Later when the usage increases in numbers drastically all over the world, pull back the services to be a paid one. Those who have gotten used to the open source already will not find spending some nominal amount of money to continue using it further. This is the catch that users should always bear in mind while using such facilities.

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By ,

August 12, 2013


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