In a fully connected world, information travels at all times; some are completely useless, others are priceless. In this universe, there are good programs, those that serve as input for users of the community in general, but there are also the ones that cause negative effects to the user. A program example that may cause both effects is the spyware.

By definition, spywares are spy softwares that aim at collecting information from a computer and send them to someone else, often those who created the software. This function may sound quite mischievous, but there are two sides to this issue.

Some spyware are used by companies seeking to understand the behavior of their users and thus offer them solutions to their day to day based on the collected data. The supply of products or services ads based on a user searches is an example.

About the dark side, some spywares aim at collecting personal information such as bank passwords and applications. These ones are used by people who can be understood as “virtual thieves.” They use this information to conduct illegal activities within the WEB universe.

The difference from one to another type of spyware is in how the program allocates in the machine. A malicious spyware is installed without the user noticing, as a non-malicious spyware may request the user’s permission for this.

Anyway, it is important to be aware as a program, even asking for permission, can contain a malicious script behind. Therefore, the main recommendation is not to download and install unknown or dubious programs. Also, reactivate your antivirus whenever there is an update gives you more assurance that your data is protected.

Currently the market turns against spyware practices, even the most harmless, since many users believe that even those ones invade the privacy of those who are connected.

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May 11, 2015


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