While majority of the worlds website prefer to be based upon php server architecture, there should be some serious reasons behind it. Yahoo and Wikipedia are not just the two prominent names that run on php but there are plenty of other sites that could be added on to the list as of today. Yes about 33 to 56 percentage of the cyber space is occupied by the websites that run on php servers. It is indeed a wonderful fact to be followed with surprise. From that perspective what is so good about it? What is the advantage of using scripts in php? Here you go we have got some few essential points for you to ponder about.


  • The PHP is accessible
  • Php is an open source to be used by one and all of us from any part of the world without any big constraints and limitations.
    • It’s available completely along with the documentation terms and conditions in many languages
    • You could find that There are lots of support groups, social media,  forums, as well as teams that are always supporting PHP
    • You could simply find a wealth of online data and information regarding PHP

It is all about the time taken to develop a site on the PHP servers, it is quite quick enough.

** Technical expertise of the top notch category is unwanted just to work or understand a fundamental PHP script. Any college student could create one even without a solid understanding of programming procedures, policies, principles, compilation, as well as the other currently very important programming concepts

One other important aspect of PHP is that it is loosely typed; hence it is possible for a developer to make the basic scripts for the site development at a far more rapid pace while paying lesser attention to the design concepts.

Having said all of the above advantages no one will ask again on what is the advantage of using scripts in php?

I hope you enjoyed these tips. Follow our blog and stay on top of all the news.

By ,

August 16, 2013


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