Today we are presenting a case of success of the MANCHE, system developed for CINDACTA III – 3rd Integrated Center for Air Traffic Defense.

3rd Integrated Center for Air Traffic Defense – organization subordinate to DECEA. Predicted by Decree No. 95,864, dated March 23, 1988 – is responsible for the control and management of the brazilian airspace of an area that totals 13.5 million square kilometers.

CINDACTA III, attentive to the needs, adopted the SQG – Quality Management System. After the adoption of the SQG, it was verified the non-effectiveness of the organization regarding monitoring and control issues. This jeopardized the certification of the organization, and made it difficult for strategic decisions to be made by the chiefs and the commander. Another important point was the increase in customer dissatisfaction, especially in the areas of attendiment and security.

Then, from this problematic scenario, CINDACTA III – managed by SQG – developed the MANCHE – Process Monitoring System – using the Scriptcase. By virtue of optimizing process management at a strategic, tactical, and operational level.

Increase in the satisfaction index of the users in the questions of security and monitoring of the aerospace space.

Transparency in processes, performance monitoring and greater involvement of managers in the management of organizational processes.

Reducing average risk of lack of control and monitoring of organizational processes. And reducing the risks of lack of control of documentation and records.

For insertion of data of processes in the system that previously took 180 days.
With Based in the city of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, which operates in the northeastern airspace and in a vast area on the Atlantic Ocean – meridian 10 w. It has as one of its peculiarities the uninterrupted operation in the important corridor of routes between the South American and European continents. Virtually all flights from South America, with this destination, cross the air space under the tutelage of the organ.
MANCHE brought substantial improvements in the work processes of the teams, in the overall organization process since the organizational indicators went from 65 to 17, becoming more assertive and strategic, as well as allowing a better involvement of the bosses in the process monitoring.
The results of this can be seen directly in the satisfaction survey of users since now the feedback returns 98% satisfaction indexes on the part of the users in the questions of safety and monitoring of space air space.
Another important result of MANCHE’s improvements was the purchase of 50 tablets to be used in the operational areas of airspace control, and this managed to ‘eliminate’ tons of printed paper (manuals and amendments), as these publications began to be digitized. The concrete result of this was that an amendment that took weeks to publish today, is made in 2 minutes.
There was a reduction in both the system process data insertion time from 180 days to 15 days and in the critical analysis of the system processes from 120 to 30 days.
100% transparency in the processes, traceability of the performances and involvement of the heads in the monitoring of the organizational processes.
A 95% average reduction in the risks of lack of control and monitoring of organizational processes and the risks of lack of control of documentation and records.
Well, this MANCHE system is an innovative and successful initiative, becoming the main and most important maintenance tool of the Quality Management System in the organization. The incredible and transformational upgrades and improvements in the Brazilian Airspace Control System (SISCEAB) would not be achieved without this initiative built through Scriptcase.
See more cases here: CASES OF SUCCESS
Source: Informativo do Departamento de Controle do Espaço Aéreo – DECEA produced by the media advisory office – ASCOM/DECEA
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