Get to know the Success Story of the Court of Justice of Pernambuco – TJPE

The Court of Justice of the State of Pernambuco is an organ of the Judiciary Power of Pernambuco, with headquarters in the city of Recife and jurisdiction throughout the state.

In view of the need to maintain social distance due to the pandemic of COVID-19, the TJPE needed to quickly and safely develop a system that would allow the election. There were 2 new vacancies to fill for the electoral judge and time was running out.

The Secretariat of Technology and Communication of the TJPE (Setic) developed the Electio system through which the judges elected the new candidates. The magistrates had access to the system through a link provided by Setic during the session. The vote was secret.
Results ( TJPE):
Scriptcase was an essential tool for the development of the system used during the election. Thanks to the tool the entire development process, as well as the voting, took place quickly and safely.

The Electio system was developed in record time. It took just 5 days and 1 team of programmers to carry out the development, tests and approval for use.

Scriptcase allowed integration with other solutions guaranteeing user access authentication, through tools already approved by the TJ.

With the use of the tool’s security modules, the total secrecy of the votes cast by each user was guaranteed.

With the electronic voting system. Electio immediately made the polling and voting results available.
Details of the results:
The Electio System, developed to carry out this election, was highly praised by members of the Court. The president of TJPE highlighted the importance of the work developed by Setic. “The work of our IT department has been very important for the advancement of the Court, but in this pandemic moment, it has been essential”, he concluded.
The system uses integration with Keycloak, which is the access management system (logins) used by TJPE.
The 51 judges met through the Cisco Webex video conferencing platform made available by the National Council of Justice (CNJ) to Courts across the country during the new Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.

See this and more cases here: CASES OF SUCCESS
Font: TJPE
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