Understand how the ABACUS Group used Scriptcase to develop its ERP.

The ABACUS Group has a team with more than 20 years of experience in ERP and customized applications, both web and mobile applications.

We were looking for a tool that would help us to develop a complete Business Management System – ERP and once this system was built, we could evolve as a company.

An ERP application called ABACUS ERP was developed with SCRIPTCASE which today we sell as a service. Scriptcase was very important for us because it helped us start our company around it.
RESULTS ( Abacus ERP):

One of the main features that we managed to develop in ABACUS ERP was the conversion from currency to local. Not only that, but it also allows you to update document balances in the currency in which the transaction was carried out and to update the value in the defined accounts.

ABACUS ERP is a comprehensive tool for administrative control software that brings together all the modules companies need to operate and control efficiently and easily.

The system is totally multi-company, this means that it is possible to use our ERP in totally different and independent companies.

Thanks to Scriptcase we managed to make the system 100% web. In addition, it is multiplatform and multi users.
Details of the results
We currently have clients in Panama, Nicaragua, Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. And we continue to grow and evolve our ERP that we sell as a service.
Our system is very versatile with many features which are the result of many years of experience. Scriptcase is who allowed us to easily develop them in a web environment.
Francisco Peña – Developer Manager

Check this and more cases here: CASES OF SUCCESS. Enjoy and check out the latest news from our blog.
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