Hello! On the latest post i’ve shown some hints on facilitators for developers. On today’s post we will continue with those suggestions, i hope you enjoy. This is Part II.

1°. SQL Builder:


If you’re a developer you probably know many tools that can be used to perform searches and modifications on the databases, for example the Workbench, for those who use MySQL database or the SQL Server Management Studio, for those who use SQL Server database.These tools will ease all the work with codes related to databases, although Scriptcase provides the option called “ SQL Builder “.

The SQL Builder allows us to edit more than one database, it allows us to perform searches between one or more tables, it allows us to test grids before going inside the applications.

We can observe some tabs: Databases, Tables, Fields, Conditions, Ordination, Execution, Saved. I will explain each grid situation as example.

Databases: In the database section you will choose which connection you want to use, because your project may have more than one connection.


Tables: In this tab you must select one or more tables that you want to search.



Fields: In this tab you choose the fields you want to view in the query, you can still add an alias to your table, this alias is most often used when searching in more than one table.



Conditions: Just define the conditions of your query, in this case the WHERE clause.


Sorting: If you want to sort some field, for example ordering date from the most current to the oldest.



Execution: At last the execution of your grid, able to display a maximum of 100 records. You can also mount the grid directly on the execution tab without having to go through all the tabs.



Saved: You can save your query to use it on another occasion.


2°. Batch Applications:


I believe most of you guys already know this option but you might not know how to use it correctly. So let’s imagine the following situation: We have a supermarket system, in this system I will need to register and call in: categories, products, payment methods, customers, suppliers, etc … In order to record we use the form type application, and to call in we use the grid type application. We have the option to create application by application and we have the “batch applications” option that will create the two applications together (query and form), this option will create the two types of applications already with the connection between them to be able to edit the record.

To do that, all you need is to do is select the connection, the desired tables, mark the two options (Form and Query) and click “Next”.



3 °. Restore applications:



One of the best options disposed by Scriptcase, on this option we can restore deleted applications. So if by chance you deleted an application inadvertently or even on purpose, but remembered that you need a code on that deleted application, just use this to restore that application.

Uma das melhores opções disponibilizadas pelo Scriptcase, nesta opção podemos restaurar aplicações deletadas. Então se por acaso você deletou uma aplicação sem querer ou até mesmo de propósito, mas lembrou que nessa aplicação tinha um código que você precisa muito, basta restaurar está aplicação.

Choose the application you want to restore, then select the desired date and rename the application if necessary. Quick and simple!

Para isso escolha a aplicação que deseja restaurar, depois seleciona a data desejada e renomeie a aplicação se achar necessário. Fácil e rápido!




4 °. Express Application Edition:



There are times when programming that we need to apply a configuration to all applications at the same time, such as taking the security of the entire project so that you do not need to be logged in or after creating a new theme, apply it in all applications Rather than application by application.

You can select all applications or specific ones.



After that, ou must select what ou want to change in applications, it can be one or more items.



And that’s it! All you have to do now is define the changes. After changing it, all you need to do is generate the source-code of the modified applications.



5°. To do list:


This feature is normally used by companies which uses Scriptcase for development. It will appoint tasks for the users.

For example, say I have a company with three programmers, in June programmers will have specific tasks within the system that is being developed.

This feature can be used also by a user who works alone, so that he  can control his demand for services.

We can create a public list (that all users can access). We can create our own list, where we will visualize within any project. And we can create project-level tasks, both public (for all users) and individual.



Lets create a new task in a project-level where only the user who creates it will be able to see.



Now look, after adding more tasks as they appear to the user, including the color of the line according to the task status.



6° Messages:


The messaging option is nothing more than an internal email box provided within the Scriptcase itself. It serves to exchange messages between users, as it suggests.

Let’s say I want to send a message to a user or even send myself a message just for the purpose of storing some information.



It’s easy to use and for those who know how to use it’s a great feature.


7° My toolbar:


You know those cute, colorful icons that stand between Scriptcase menu and applications? These items can be changed. I believe there’s at least one icon there that you do not use often and would like to replace for another option.



In my case for example, I never use or almost never use the “Translate applications” option, so this option can be changed by another.



Note that I’ve switched the “Translate apps” option to the “Express application edition” option. You can also add more items, add a tab, remove items, create a new item, and if you do not like the change, you can return to Scriptcase’s default.


8°. My Scriptcase:


In this option we can define some important things in Scriptcase, such as the official language to use, if you want your code to be saved automatically, if you want the sidebar that appears on the right showing the macros and codes available in the events , among other options.

In the example below, I’ve set the official language to be “Portuguese”, I also informed that I want my code to be saved automatically, so I will not have to click on the save button that opens in a box every time we change the event, I want to see the folders in the home.



These are small definitions, but it will make a difference to those who use Scriptcase frequently.

By , Web Developer Fullstack. I work in the area for at least five years. I program and work with Scriptcase and as an independent consultant, I also manage developed systems, custom front-end development in Scriptcase and I share content with the Scriptcase community.

June 9, 2017


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