Accessibility in Web Applications: A major concern now is to make the lives of people with special needs as normal as possible, help them have an easier life and does not limit them because of their disability has been a challenge in many areas and not just the human but also technological. Within the area of technology, access to information for those people has become master concern since the volume of information that is generated daily is very large and the speed at which it becomes obsolete too. Afraid that people with disabilities can not monitor such developments W3C began to create and validate formats Web pages more accessible and this is the subject of our next post.

It is understood by all means accessibility to facilitate the way of interaction of a person with disabilities with the environment they live. A ramp access, adapted bathrooms, all of these items come in the category accessibility. When we think about technology more precisely WEB, we realize that there is a movement to include people with disabilities in this way also. Several tools currently use the standards of the W3C created to achieve “read” a web page and translate it to a blind person, for example.

Analyzing the above scenario we realize the importance of this factor as its implementation in web applications today. We go to a practical example, an ERP that is developed with all accessibility standards can easily be used by an employee with a disability aided by a visual tool that can interpret data and translate them into audio. The inclusion of these people in the labor market eventually becomes paramount concern within organizations, and this type of scenario is becoming increasingly common.

Offer more easily so that the programmer can implement accessibility standards in a web application is the responsibility of the development tool and at that point Scriptcase comes out ahead. With complete autonomy over the source code, the programmer can easily implement these standards and leave your web applications more accessible, it means much more value and quality for the project. Want to know more about this and other advantages Scriptcase, so download now the free version of our web development tool and get started today to have much more outcome and quality in your development environment.

I hope you enjoyed these tips. Follow our blog and stay on top of all the news.

By ,

July 11, 2013


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