The class development is parto of any programmer’s routine, regardless of the programming language chosen to work with. In PHP, classes are used as part of object-oriented programming – without them it would be impossible to program that way.

Briefly, classes are objects to be used in programming to perform certain functions and automate certain processes within the application.

A typical example of class would be, for example, the “user” class, we one can implement the functions of registration and deletion, addition or property attributes, such as name and e-mail.


Creating classes in PHP is very simple, the syntax does not differ from most other programming languages. Check out an example:


class User{



From that first skeleton it is then possible to create the attributes and methods:


class User{

public $name;

public $email;

public function Register(){

//code here!




In the class declaration you can use the concept of inheritance in which a class inherits methods and attributes of a parent class.


class User extends Person{



The statement and the operation of a class depend exclusively on the logic applied in the project, especially when abstract objects. With the first analysis at hand it is then possible to define and implement each of the elements that will compose.


By default, Scriptcase can use classes created out of its tool. For this, place the files in the classes folder generated by the tool. To use the object in code, just then instantiate it and use the standard language format.

$ob = new User

$ob->$nome = “First”

$ob->$email = “”

$ob->Register ()

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By ,

May 6, 2015


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