How to perform the conversion process to Scriptcase 9

For this Guide to perform the conversion process to Scriptcase 9 we use a Scriptcase V8 Server and a Scriptcase V9 Server both with the SQLite internal database and installed on Windows, but the Guide also applies to: Previous versions of Scriptcase (V5, V6, V7), Databases SQLite and Linux or MacOS operating systems.

Follow the steps below:

1. Locate the folder with the name “scriptcase” on the Server where the previous version of Scriptcase is installed. If Scriptcase9 was installed on a different server, the folder should be copied to the new server so that it is fully accessible at the time of the process.

2. Once logged into Scriptcase 9, access the option: Tools -> Converters -> Version X (Selecting the Version of the previous server).

3. The application asks to be entered the path where the “scriptcase” folder of the previous version is located, Click “Next” to continue.

You must select the full path of the location and then paste in the field enabled for it.

Once the path is copied, it should look like this (This is identical for all Operating Systems).

Enter the path, click “Next” to continue.

4. Scriptcase manages our projects in an internal Database, being able to be in SQLite or MySQL.

If the previous installation was done using the default configuration, you must select the option “Same server”, otherwise you must choose the “Another server” option and enter the database server where it is located.

When selected, click “Convert” to continue.

5. In this screen you must select the Projects that you want to convert to Version 9.

For the projects that you want to make available on the new Server select the option “Convert” and for the projects that will not be available select the “Not” option.

Once you have chosen the projects to convert, click on “Convert” to continue.

6. At the end of the process, it shows a summary of the tasks performed and a message confirming that the process has successfully completed. Clicking on “Exit” will be redirected back to Scriptcase 9.

7. Once the process is completed, the projects will be available. Only generate the code to start working with them.

8. The projects can be re-migrated as many times as necessary, only the steps detailed above should be followed and at the moment of choosing the projects two groups will appear: the first will show the projects that do not yet exist in the new server and the Second, the projects that have already been migrated.

In the second group select “Keep V9 project version” in case you do not want to migrate the project again or “Convert to V9 and overwrite project” in case you want to re-migrate the project.

For our example we have re-migrated the sc_tickets project and migrated sc_album and sc_news for the first time, so in the following image it is noticed that these two new projects and sc_tickets appear as we left it on our previous server.

I hope this guide to migrate projects from previous versions to Scriptcase 9 has been useful for you and I invite you to leave a comment with any errors you have during the process or requesting clarification on any of the step so that with your help we make this Guide as complete as possible.

By , I have a degree in Computer Science and a Diploma in Business Management and Marketing, Founder of Avanza Consultora (Partner of Netmake Scriptcase in Paraguay). Senior Programmer with more than 11 years of experience in Development, the last 5 years developing with Scriptcase.

April 27, 2017


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