Links are used to create navigation between applications of a system. From a query can create navigation links to other queries, menus, tabs, forms and update control. We may also, via a link to the consultation form, directly edit the records from the query itself.

Step by step to create a link:
The Connection by Application, Connect by Connect by Field and Catch: Clicking the New Connection item of application ScriptCase menu screen where we can choose 3 types of existing connections will be displayed.

Link to application:
To create a link for the application you need to select the option and move on.

Soon after, select the application to link and click the continue button.

Then, you must also select the values ​​that will be passed to the parameters.

Clicking the proceeding in selecting parameter values ​​window button, find the screen “Connection Properties” where you will choose the “Operation Mode link” the various ways of how the selected form will be displayed, as an example we have ” Open in same window “, after click the save button.

When you click save, manage their application consultation to analyze your link created.

In consultation generated a link appears on each line with the image , when clicked submit their application form for editing the registry.

Learn more about this and other features that Scripcase offers. Do you already know Scriptcase? Download the free version of our tool and discover a world of new possibilities.

To know a little bit more about Links on Scriptcase don’t miss our Q&A Webinar about “Creating links between Applications on Scriptcase” on next Thursday (June 19th), click on this link to register.

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By ,

June 17, 2014


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