Declaring variables is part of the routine of any programmer. In PHP, the statement occurs in a very simple way, as you can see in the example below:

$a = 1;

In the example, we declare the variable “a” taking the integer value 1.

Unlike some languages, the declaration of variables in PHP uses the “$” character and there is no need to declare the variable type (integer, decimal, string etc). So, over the processing of information, a variable can take several forms:

$a = 1;// integer
$a = “Test”; // string
$a = 1,0; // decimal
$a = NULL;// null

By default, every PHP variable is declared in the local scope, so it can only be used by set elements and includes in the block used. If there is a need for one variable to be used globally, in other calls, that one must be declared as follows:

global $a;

You can still use what we call static variables. This type of variable does not lose its value  in every method call in the local scope and it is capable of storing information.

Static variables are widely used in recursive functions, check below for an example:

function Test()
$a = 0;
echo $a;

In the above function, in each call the variable will be reset and incremented at the end, but in each new call function the value will be reset again and so the logic loses its function. In that case you must use a static variable that will store a new value to each call and so the self-increment will work properly.

function Test()
static $a = 0;
echo $a;

By understanding the variable declaration of resources it is possible to optimize the application performance and thus make them more effective in their processes.


Within Scriptcase you can register on the administrative panel some global variables that can be used in any application built on the tool, all in a simple and uncomplicated WAY, the main characteristic of our tool.

In addition, you can also access some global variables that are already available in a standard way in our tool, as you can see in the example below:

[var_login] = {login};

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By ,

May 6, 2015


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