Development Tips – Small Shop. When one thinks in stores the first image that comes to mind are the e-commerces, well-designed websites, and various products that can be purchased from their own platform, but this kind of tool may be out of context and also budget many shops. E-commerce to work well need a good structure that has important services such as logistics and finance, for example. In some cases the only way to sell a store is e-commerce and then investment and effort are justified.

Just unlike the scenario shown above, small stores that have a physical store may not have enough budget to work with a platform like the one above, but a good guide can create good websites also able to play the role of a sales tool. For this to happen but it is necessary to pay attention to a few points and they are what we cite below.

First give the customer a good site with a gallery of images that will be turned into shop windows, separate product categories for galleries, and insert the images of the products in each of its galleries (categories). That way he will have a gallery of products that represent a great value in the development project.

In each of the galleries (product categories) is a must-have informative content on products explaining why the product the customer is different, moreover, it is important to think and offer effective ways contact such as email and telephone.

The contact page has to be the biggest seller of the store, it needs to be available on all pages on the site and the content of this page needs to induce the user to fill out the form and get in touch with the store.

If the store has specific products for certain dates will need special pages and themes that can be enabled according to the time of year such as Christmas, for example.

And finally, use a platform that allows you to migrate to something more advanced when necessary. When you realize the result that the internet can offer is an inevitable investment in improvement.

Following our tips and developing your site with Scriptcase return is guaranteed, so do not lose your time! Develop your website using our tool and offer more.

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By ,

November 6, 2013


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