In the Web environment it is very common that some terms generate many doubts, even among those who live daily with them either in work or education. One of these questions is the difference between a website and a web application, even among programmers is very common misinterpretation of both concepts. So then let’s talk a little more about each of them and explain their differences, but first let us understand the concept of each.

A website or simply site is a collection of Web pages with different information and has as its main focus the information. The most common examples are the institutional sites, developed specifically for businesses. In this type of site are prioritized items as:

  • Company History;
  • Contact form;
  • Description of products or services offered.

With web applications the situation is very different, a web application works as a kind of system, we can even say that these two terms are synonymous. In a web application you can perform more actions than a normal website. In a web application is possible, for example, entering data into a database and interact with them in many other ways through reports or automated processes. The major focus of a web application is to solve a problem using the programming for it. Using a web application is undoubtedly a great choice as it has many advantages such as the fact that it is available anywhere anytime.

Understanding the concepts of each of the items we can then conclude that a website is practically used to inform and a web application is used to solve a greater problem involving process automation. Using a simple website you can not interact to the fullest with a database with a web application that is possible. Moreover, with an application you also has features such as login systems that ensure further security for the data that is contained in the database.

Whatever you need, a website or a web application, Scriptcase can help you. Optimize your web development time, download the Scriptcase free version now and understand why our tool is now one of the best option.

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By ,

October 21, 2013


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