More than the screen size, the main difference between smartphones and tablets is related to their features and settings. In this post, we’ll explore these differences and thereby understand more clearly what are the differences between them.

Starting by the available functions in each device, while a tablet functions as a kind of laptop, the smartphone has a number of other elements, such as the possibility of making phone calls, working just like a cell phone. Some brands of tablets allow its use as a phone, but its size makes it impossible to be used as a mobile handset.

Processor speed is another feature that differs between tablets and smartphones. A tablet can have a much more powerful configuration than a smartphone. Thus, activities that require higher performance can be carried out without major problems, unlike a smartphone. Choosing a tablet for certain tasks, particularly at the corporate level, ends up being the best option.

The screen size, the most apparent characteristic, is what most differs between these devices. That’s because most consumers cling to this factor when choosing one or the other. If you need more a cellphone than you need a laptop, you should probably opt for a smartphone. Otherwise, you should opt for a tablet.

Despite the differences, smartphones and tablets also have common features such as document reading programs, back and front camera, photo editor and videos and even games. All this to meet a demand of the technology market, that is growing nonstop.

Regardless of their needs, users should opt for a device that meets their expectations, taking into consideration the technical constraints that each device has. Therefore, understanding the features and peculiarities of each device is the first step to make the right choice.

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June 8, 2015


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