Have you ever gone through that moment when discouragement took over, and you thought about giving up programming? Whatever the reasons is, let me tell you that this is much more common than you might think, and of course it is not restricted to programming. Professionals from the most diverse areas have already gone through or are going through this.

We will try to understand in this article what reasons can lead someone to think about giving up, and most importantly, once identify it can be avoided.

If we stop to analyze the current market, there are many opportunities with great salaries in the IT area, which makes it normal for many people to be interested in the area and venture into it, especially in development sectors where the demand is very high. But let’s face it, the path may not be as easy as it looks, so it ends up being very common to have a high dropout rate in the middle of the road. Well, let’s try to identify some main causes of dropout and how to avoid them:

I find it very difficult to stay focused on studies …

The first step to be taken in this situation is to reflect on the reasons that lead you to not being able to study, let’s think together: I can’t study because I don’t have the necessary time for that? Or do I feel stuck by a certain issue? Or perhaps, you are not seeing concrete results? Is there a lack of motivation? These are some of the questions that can be related to this concern, if you ask about this, “why am I stuck in my studies?”.

The fact here is, having a study routine is extremely indispensable to be a good programmer, and that requires discipline, dedication and most of all, effort. Of course, in many moments you will come across something you don’t like to study, this is normal, it happens to everyone, but even these moments are essential in the professional training process, it is in these conflicts of interest that you can mold yourself and direct your interests to the areas that are right for you.

So here’s a simple and important piece of advice, don’t be afraid to study something and feel like you’re wasting time, all processes are important, so live with them but always keeping in mind the results you want to achieve.

There is a lot to study!

Yes, I know, there is a lot to study! haha

If you are a beginner in the field, or maybe you are transitioning from another, encountering new things to study may be a little daunting. Depending on which path you choose you will find different concepts, languages, frameworks, rad tools, IDEs… and there goes the list of topics. The fact is that there are really a lot of things to study, but calm down, we have some tips for you.

First, you need to understand that there is no need for you to know everything! That’s right, because this task would be impossible, but let’s not forget the importance of knowing a bit of everything. From this introductory knowledge try to choose a topic and study only it, for example, choose a programming language and get the hang of it until you understand that the logic behind programming is the same in all languages, what changes are the forms of building.

Furthermore, there is no way to establish a standard study routine that applies to everyone, everyone has their own hours, their study preferences, their pace to assimilate things, so follow your own pace and respect your limits! Do not mirror yourself completely in the process of others, adapt and do yours.

Another important point is that you should not be anxious to know how long it will take you to learn a certain subject or how long you will become a professional programmer, this can lead to frustration. Build processes over time, there is no escaping that.

I try to do things by myself, but it’s not working!

A very common thing is that you study from someone else’s code, whether through college, courses, videos, classes, etc. and there is nothing wrong with that, after all you are learning while practicing. But always carry the awareness that it is important for you to learn to do things yourself.

There is no point in copying the code and not knowing the reason for each thing, because when you develop something on your own you will be totally lost and stuck. So always keep in mind that it is valid to consult the codes of others, but the most important thing is to try to develop something from scratch yourself and to always improve your logical reasoning ability and programming.

Increasingly demanding job openings.

Although the IT area generally has a wide range of opportunities, what we see is a shortage of qualified professionals for the requirements of the vacancies available. You probably have already encountered vacancies where the list of expected knowledge is huge (in some cases, I would say even a little exaggerated).

But this should not be a definite criterion for you to apply for an opportunity or not, often companies seek professionals who are willing to learn and have the capacity to evolve in the company, even if they do not meet all the requirements of the vacancy. And besides, even if it doesn’t work out, you gain experience in interviews.

So be aware that it is very difficult to find a professional who meets 100% of the requirements, so do not deprive yourself of trying to think that you are not up to the job. Who does not risk may be missing out on great opportunities.

There are so many possibilities that I’m lost!

An indisputable fact is that the programming area, and IT generally, offers an infinite number of possibilities and paths to follow, so it is normal at times to feel a little lost, especially if you are overwhelmed with so much information. So defining a path to follow is an essential step in the formation of your professional profile.

A very cliché but extremely important thought is “choose to work with what you like to do”. Yes, I think everyone has heard this at some point in their life, but it is a definite truth. There is no point in wanting to venture into directions with other motivations, you may be frustrated in the end.

Choose to work with what you like, this will encourage you to evolve and mature as a professional, if you already know what you want to do great! But if you are still in undecided, venture into the possibilities, risk changing the focus if necessary, sometimes it is necessary to “get lost to find yourself”. Who knows what is best for you is working with web development, or maybe security, maybe developing systems, or games, or even managing projects, give it a try! Discover yourself! 😉

Useful links: Key Features to become a good Web Developer / How to successfully deal with software development

By , Graduating in International Relations, I studied Information Systems. I have experience in the field of technical support and programming in Python. Currently I work with international marketing in the commercial department of Scriptcase.

May 31, 2021


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