See how Active Solutions by using Scriptcase boosted the development time of their systems solved all demands of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies.

Active Solutions is a web development company focused on creating sustainable applications that are easily scalable, adaptable to any system and secure at the highest level. Our portfolio includes a range of projects, from business intelligence and deep data work to web design and implementation of online services.
We needed a tool that would facilitate the development of systems in the IT department of the Chamber of Deputies and, at the same time, be simple to use. We found Scriptcase based on a friend’s recommendation. With it, we could easily develop applications, and at the same time, the tool allowed us to create complex systems with everything that is most modern in technology.
Among the various systems already developed, I highlight our “HelpDesk” (a pilot project that is in the process of improvement): Requests are attended to by the IT department and the Technical department, following what each administrative application demands (whether they are IT or technical ) the orders received are subsequently distributed to a person in charge (technical operator). This will give a timely resolution and a decision (e.g., pending, incomplete request, unresolved, resolved, etc.). The candidate will receive an informative email with the status of the demand.
RESULTS (Romania Chamber of Deputies):
The tool offers an easy and intuitive development environment and, at the same time, allows us to develop complex applications with the most modern technologies present in the IT market today.
With the new systems developed and running, we received a lot of positive feedback from users of the most diverse interdepartmental levels.
Initially, we spent a few months studying the tool and planning the possibilities of developing our demands within the environment; after 3 months, we developed the first big project only using basic knowledge of the Scriptcase platform. So, we started a collaboration to develop other applications with a higher level of software development.
“I strongly recommend the use of this tool, it has many easy features and it has a modern design, so it can be used by novice programmers as well as those with a lot of experience. No matter if you need a Windows or Linux systems, it also allows connections to multiple databases, include multiple international languages, and much more that makes this product competitive in the software market.” Ionuț Berlea – Manager

The application “Presence of deputies” represents the timing of the presence of deputies in plenary sessions or the participation of deputies in activities in parliamentary committees.

There is also a module that makes “Payment of indemnity to deputies” – compulsory retirement.
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