Field Link: Selecting the Connect field, will be used for a navigation link is created on a column of the query to any existing project application. When we select the type of link field, a select is displayed with all fields displayed in the query, we choose the “empcidade” field as an example.

Soon after, select the application to link and click the continue button.

Then, you must also select the values ​​that will be passed to the parameters.

Clicking the proceeding in selecting parameter values ​​window button, find the screen “Connection Properties” where you will choose the “Operation Mode link” the various ways of how the selected form will be displayed, as an example we have ” Modal Width “and” Height “,” where the fields will be presented “in order to build size fashion that will be presented. Soon after click the save button.

In consultation generated a link appears in blue color in all the names of “Empcidade” column when clicked submit your application form in “modal” mode for editing the registry.

Link Capture:
Selecting the Link Capture, an icon  will be created next to the field within the form, when selected opens another window showing a grid application. In this application it opens can do research and return a value to the text box.

To create a link for the application you need to select the option and the field so that the connection icon appears next to, then immediately click the “Continue” button.

Soon after, select the application to link and click the continue button.

Then, you must also select the values ​​that will be passed to the parameters.

Clicking the proceeding in selecting parameter values ​​window button, find the screen “Connection Properties”, where we can choose the option to open in “Modal” or not, this example will choose not to open the link in “Modal “. Then immediately save and manage their implementation.

When generating the application form identifying the icon set, which will be hyperlinked to the click for application consultation suggest that as a link.

In consultation call, submit a button that when you click back to the form with the data from the selected record.

In the Connections folder in the application menu the links in the application and also the New Connection item are displayed. By clicking on a link provided below the screen which allows maintenance to be performed in connection appears.

Properties: Making the connection behavior, positioning, so opening the link.
Link: Changes the application called for binding and their respective parameters.
Delete: Removes the link.

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By ,

June 18, 2014


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