GET and SET in objects: In object-oriented programming, encapsulation is one of the most applied and necessary concepts for the proper development of the methodology within the development environment.

Private attributes need to, somehow, be accessed publicly. Thus, as a condition for the entry, modification and verification of values, we use the so-called accessor methods, also known as getters and setters.

GET is the nomenclature used in methods that return the value of the private variable; SET is already used in methods that indicate a new value to the variable.

In PHP, you can apply to the class both methods, GET and SET, thus ensuring the application of the concept of encapsulation, as can be seen in the example below:

class Employee{

private $name;

public function getName(){

return $this->$name;


public function setName($a){

$this->$name = $a;



In the example, we have the variable $name being encapsulated through the getName () and setName () methods, returning to and including values respectively.

If one needs to encapsulate an entire object, it’s also necessary to make use of accessor methods in order to ensure the implementation and application of the concept. Check following:

class Employee{

private $name;

private card = new Card();

public function getName(){

return $this->$name;


public function setName($a){

$this->$name = $a;


            public function getCard(){

return $this->$card;


public function setCard($ident, $rg, $sector){






In this second example we have the practical application of the concept, in which are used the GET and SET methods of an object inside another object.

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By ,

June 4, 2015


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