Have an environment that provide welfare for its employees has become primary concern within organizations, many technology companies are betting on it to maintain health and well-being of its employees, mostly mental. In this post we will cover a little more this subject and how large technology companies is becoming an example when it comes to the workplace.

A point of attention within tech companies, especially development, is that the environment is very stressful. Missed deadlines, technical problems and all other problems arising from projects make charged environment. The profile of most programmers tend to be more reserved and this also contributes to this kind of situation. Analyzing exactly this point is that companies have been keen to create different environments that help programmers to have a “safety valve” when this type of stress begin to emerge.

Apple, Google and other major portals have become great examples when it comes to the welfare of its employees, so many of its concepts have been applied in other organizations. Then check out some of the actions that can be implemented to improve the environment of a development company:

  • It is important to have a rest area that does not have any type of electronic equipment. Thus, this would be an area to relax and take a rest for the brain when the need arose;
  • Encourage participation in sport within the company is essential to promote championships and tournaments can be a way to encourage physical exercise and maintain the health of employees in the day;
  • Providing means for developers to have a healthier life is also motivating factor and relieves stress, a great example of this is to encourage healthy eating. It is common for development companies that employees have at their desks not so healthy foods like chips and crackers, for example. An idea that works well is available for easy consumption fruits like banana and apple, with that the employee has the option to eat a food much healthier;
  • Promote actions is essential, awards, events and interaction have similar very positive effect within a development team. As mentioned above, developers have a profile more reserved and that kind of activities the trend is that there is an improvement at this point.


Companies that invest in these stocks gain in many aspects such as reducing staff shortages due to health problems and increased productivity. Invest in the welfare of the employee’s role with the company and that everyone wins.

Besides all these aspects another point that may contribute to the development environment to be even better is to use a development tool that focuses on increasing productivity and Scriptcase it can do for you. Want to know how? Download the free version of our tool and discover all the advantages it offers. Download now and start enjoying the benefits right now.

I hope you enjoyed these tips. Follow our blog and stay on top of all the news.

By ,

July 10, 2013


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