Software engineers together with any information technology expert who deals with programming should get to know about the scrums in programming. This is because in programming there are steps, which were traditionally used or followed for a system to be terminated. Scrum therefore, is an agile software development underlying structure, which helps in managing software development.

In the tradition, the team members who were making the software were going the steps as explained below. They would first establish the problem they have at hand. This is to know what the project is really about. After this, they could come up with possible solution to the problem. Every team member could give their opinion at this level and all were discussed to get to the same conclusion. After this, they were able to make a design on the software they are making.

The design had to be evaluated before they get into real coding. Then when the programming started, changes were not expected to be done. This is because if they realized that they had forgotten one of the functionality of the system it meant start all the steps again which was expensive and time consuming. If all went well the program was tested and if verified gets installed and starts to use it.

The main reason why one should know about the scrums in programming is because when they do not have to follow the old steps the systems gets to the hand of the user at an early stage and the users participate in making the system. This helps the user not to be strangers what they are eventually supposed to use. Scrum steps are incremental and iterative. This help save a lot of time and money, which was wasted in using the traditional methods.

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By ,

July 30, 2013


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