Do you know what macros are? Macros are like functions already created by Scriptcase to help you develop the business rules of your applications. You can find the complete list of those macros, with the explanation of its use and a few examples of its use, at HELP > WebHelp > Scriptcase Macros.


To help you out to understand the usage of those macros and where it can be used there is a few hints that we like to share.

– All Scriptcase’s macros starts with ‘sc_’ something.
– Inside the applications events, you can start typing sc_ and press control + space and Scriptcase will show what macro can complete what you’ve typed, showing you the full macro command for you to replace the parameters.

– In the newest version of Scriptcase, you will find a tab with the macro on the right side of the event text area where you can click and the macro will be pasted inside the coding area.

– The macros can be used inside the methods and libraries.

We have videos about the most used macros on Scriptcase.

Lookup macro video – This macro is used when we need to retrieve some data from the database.
Error Message Macro video – This macro will help to avoid the insertion of wrong information into the database.
Redir Macro video – This macro used to redirect users to another application on Scriptcase.
Apl Conf Macro video – This macro is used to change an application parameter in runtime using the apl conf macro.
Exec SQL Macro video – This macro will help you to execute SQL queries in the database.
Send Mail Macro video – This macro mail send with a practical example together with the run button feature on Scriptcase.

If you stil have any questions regards the macro usage on Scriptcase please contact us at


By ,

November 18, 2015


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