MySQL is a database management system (DBMS), dual license (one being a free software), initially designed to work with small and medium applications, but today given the large applications and with more advantages than their competitors. Has all the features that a large database needs, being recognized by some entities such as the open source database with the greatest potential to compete with similar closed source programs, such as SQL Server and Oracle. By the way, has already guaranteed presence within large organizations, one of the best known is NASA which uses it in an internal routine processing.

The ease with which MySQL integrates WEB applications is just one of the many benefits that it offers, for example:


  • Portability;
  • Compatibility;
  • Excellent performance and stability;
  • Little picky about hardware resources;
  • Ease of use;
  • Is free Software based on GPL;
  • Includes the use of multiple Storage Engines such as MyISAM, InnoDB, Falcon, BDB, Federated, Archive, CSV, Solid;
  • Supports transactional control;
  • Supports Triggers;
  • Supports Cursors (Non-Scrollable and Non-Updatable);
  • Supports Stored Procedures and Functions;
  • Easily configurable;
  • Graphical Interfaces (MySQL Toolkit) easy to use.

The strong point is the integration with other platforms and, when it comes to PHP language, that item becomes even more evident. Projects in PHP that use MySQL database tend to cost much less as both are free and have a wide documentation for support. In addition, the security and integrity of data in projects like that end up causing them to be used in demands of any complexity.

Thanks to the ease in joining, the connection of the application with the Bank tends to be very simple, but it’s important to pay attention to issues related mainly to access data. So, count on a tool that can assist in this regard is essential.

There are many advantages to use MySQL database for projects in PHP. Both being used in the same project represent low cost of development, maintenance and hosting without interfering in the quality of the application being developed. MySQL already has guaranteed presence inside large organizations, one of the best known is that NASA uses in processing routine items inside the organization.


One of the greatest strengths is the integration of MySQL and PHP this item becomes even more evident. Projects in PHP with MySQL database tend to cost much less since both are free and have extensive documentation, in addition, the security and integrity of data in such projects end up causing them to be used in projects of any complexity.

Therefore it is essential to have a tool that can assist you in this aspect. With Scriptcase you can easily connect to MySQL database all you need to inform to connect to the MySQL is:

  • Connection Name: It will help you identify the connection among the others.
  • DBMS Driver: it Will show a list with all drivers available.
  • Server/Host (Name or IP): The physical address from the database, it may be local on your machine, on your local network or remote in the cloud.
  • Port: The port that you want to use to connect to your database.
  • Username: Username for the user from the database.
  • Password: The password from the previous selected username.
  • Database Name: List with all databases available in that connection.

PHP MySQL Connection

Once you connect Scriptcase with your database, it will read your tables and create applications based on the desired tables. Scriptcase will identify all special characteristics from your table, such as primary keys, foreign key, auto-increments, among others, and will show that at the application level. All the CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) actions will be managed by the Scriptcase. On forms and reports all the navigation, searches and filters (Static or Dynamic) will be also handled by Scriptcase automatically.

Scriptcase support stored procedures and all SQL statements (joins, order by, group by, among others) of MySQL, why lose time when you have Scriptcase to help you out?! Download it now and test it free for 20 days!


By ,

November 16, 2015


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