Namespace works within the PHP language as a kind of wrapper classes, interfaces, methods and attributes. Using it, you can avoid naming conflicts between the elements, thereby making it work as a kind of tweezers. You can compare the use of the Namespace as the directories in operating systems. For example, the same file name can exist in different directories, but never in the same directory. This assumption is shared using the Namespace.

To use the Namespace within .php files, then please select the syntax of the name you want to use:


namespace Project1{

class Test{}


namespace Project2{

class Test{}



In the above practical example, you can clearly understand the functioning of the namespace. Classes with the same name are created within different namespaces and no conflict is presented.

Including the creation of spaces using namespace, you can then use this important resource within the application program, indicating its path and by setting a kind of label so that access is facilitated, as shown in the following example:

                use Project1Test as Test1;

$var = new Test1;

Using the instruction “use” indicates that the path of Namespace to be used. Then, the statement “the” indicates the label which is to be used as a reference to the object to be instantiated. The variable “$ var” then gets the instance of the class from the label indicated for the namespace.

The usage of namespace is seen as an important enabler in the development process. With it, you can work with numerous references within the project, thus ensuring that there is a better use of the developed source code. In addition, peculiarities between classes that need to use the same name, on behalf of the developed architecture, can be implemented at no cost of production or further development.

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September 9, 2015


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