Oracle is one of the leading DBMS in the world. Created in the late 1970s by Lary Ellison, it quickly became one of the most used and trusted databasdes. Its security scheme and processing power were some of the features that have given it that title. One of the great advantages of Oracle is that it has always been a pioneer in several features for its database, one of the first to think of a model dedicated to WEB in the late 1990s.

Currently the Oracle database is in 11G and 12C versions and is available in four formats:

  • Oracle Database Express Edition (11G)
  • Oracle Database Standard Edition One (12C)
  • Oracle Database Standard Edition (12C)
  • Oracle Database Enterprise Edition (12C)

Each version is aimed at a type of public and with different specifications between them. The latest version, 12c, presents a new multirented architecture that facilitates the consolidation of many databases quickly, as well as its managing them as a cloud service. Oracle Database 12c also includes data processing resources in memory that offer a revolutionary analytical performance. Additional database innovations offer new levels of efficiency, performance, security and availability.

Oracle Database 12c comes in three editions to meet the diverse business needs: Enterprise Edition, Standard Edition and Standard Edition One.

To be a potent SGBC is common that several projects utilize Oracle. The most diverse types of applications work using it and because of that, it is easy to find it in large projects. However, depending on the tool being used to develop the application, this connection can present a number of problems.

An external driver that may be used to make the connection may require hours of development until it works perfectly. In addition, issues related to security of the connection (data access) weigh heavily on the choice too.

Thinking about this scenario, Scriptcase presents one of the most convenient features of its tool, the connection to the database. Setting up a simple resource in the project with data from database access, fast connection is created and all access to data is secure in a communication scheme that besides simple, is extremely reliable. Once the connection is established, you can access data such as tables, records and other data to the database – all with the typical ease of resources that offers Scriptcase.

PHP Oracle

PHP Oracle

As it is a powerful DBMS, it is common to see projects using Oracle. Several types of applications work using it, so that it is very common to find large PHP projects that need to connect with this type of database. But depending on the tool used to develop the application, the connection may have problems. An external driver that may be used to make the connection may require development hours until it works perfectly. In addition, issues related to security of the connection (data access) also can be a problem.

Therefore it is essential to have a tool that can assist you in this aspect. With Scriptcase you can easily connect to Oracle database, all you need to inform to connect to the Oracle is:

  • Connection Name: It will help you identify the connection among the others.
  • DBMS Driver: it Will show a list with all drivers available.
  • TSNAME: Should be informed the IP of the server where the database is installed and the instance name created in the Oracle installation.
  • Port: The port that you want to use to connect to your database.
  • Username: Username for the user from the database.
  • Password: The password from the previous selected username.
PHP Oracle Connection

Once you connect Scriptcase with your database, it will read your tables and create applications based on the desired tables. Scriptcase will identify all special characteristics from your table, such as primary keys, foreign key, auto-increments, among others, and will show that at the application level. All the CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) actions will be managed by the Scriptcase. On forms and reports all the navigation, searches and filters (Static or Dynamic) will be also handled by Scriptcase automatically.

Scriptcase support stored procedures and all SQL statements (joins, order by, group by, among others) of Oracle, why lose time when you have Scriptcase to help you out?! Download it now and test it free for 20 days!

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By ,

September 8, 2015


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