Working with objects is the only way to manipulate arrays or any other object in the JavaScript language. For example, it is necessary to implement a client list. The object can be implemented as follows:


Function CreateClients (name, address, telephone, rent)

{ = name;

this.address = address;

this. phone = phone;

this.income = income;


The property “this” specifies the current object as a source of values ​​passed to the function. Now, just create the object:


Maria = New CreateClients (‘Maria Aparecida’, ‘Guillotine Rua dos Patos, S / N’, ‘332-1148’, 1300)


To access the properties of Maria object, simply use the following syntax: -> returns ‘Maria Aparecida’

Maria.address -> returns ‘Guillotine Rua dos Patos, S / N’ -> returns ‘332-1148’

Maria.income -> returns in 1300

Objects in Javascript

Another way to reference the properties of Maria’s object is:

Maria [0], Maria [1] Maria [2] Maria [3]


To create arrays, a more practical approach could be the following:

Function Matrix (n)


this.length = n

for (var counter = 1; counter <= n; conatdor = counter + 1)


this [counter] = “”




To create our array, then we would use the following command:

Month = matrix (12)


The next step would include only the data:

Month [1] = ‘January’

Month [2] = ‘February’

Month [12] = ‘December’


Finally, it is also possible to use both methods simultaneously:

New customers = Array (3)

Clients [1] = New CreateClients (“Charlene”, “Street A 51”, “331-0376”, 1150)

Customers [2] = New CreateClients (“Joseph”, “Street of Covenants, S / N,” “332-2781”, 950)

Customers [3] = New CreateClients (“James Manson,” “Joy Street, 171 ‘, 1000)


So obtaining the following scenario:

Customers [1] .name = “Charlene”

Customers [2] .phone = “332-2781”

Customers [3] = null .phone

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By ,

February 24, 2016


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