OOP Destructor: In object-oriented programming, the destructors run after the page HTML is sent. This method is used in many cases to complete variables or simply run scripts that need to run in the final moment of the class called.

In PHP, the destructor method is created from the following syntax:

function _destruct(){

// Code here


You just need to implement the _DESTRUCT () method, just with that name. In the following example you can see in practice the use of a class destructor:


private $name;
class MyClassDestroyable {
function __construct() {
print “In constructorn”;
$this->name = “MyDestructableClass”;

function __destruct() {
print “Destructing ” . $this->name . “n”;

$obj = new MyDestroyableClass();

The above class is initialized by storing in the variable “name” the name of the class. The destructor, in turn, named after the use of the class, displays the information on screen, with the message that the class is being destroyed. In the example, the print command was used, but other controls may be implemented as, for example, methods for closing sessions and variables.

However, the use of destructors needs to be done taking into consideration two important points:

1. Destructors parents will not be called implicitly by the engine. To run a parent destructor, one must make an explicit call to parent :: __ destruct () in the destructor body;

2. Destructors arte called during the end of the script after the HTTP headers are sent. In the current script directory, the closure phase can be different with some SAPIs (e.g. Apache).

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By ,

June 12, 2015


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