PHP Form with Scriptcase. Any type of system needs basic items to work and one of them is the form, either to create or edit records they are of paramount importance to the database to receive information that will later be used in other parts of the system as the reports for example.

The creation of forms follow basic rules that most often replicate independently of the type of system. A procedure that makes the record is inserted into the database, another that makes the registry update and creation of fields from information contained in the tables are some of the recurring tasks that a programmer performs daily. As noted before, the creation of forms ends up being a sort of “routine” for any type of system that will be created.

Thinking about time optimization, consider us, if the information contained in a table become form, would not only be necessary to change the table so that a new form was created? The answer to that question is yes! It was from this response that we have created a fast and simple way to create php forms in ScriptCase.

Create a form in php ScriptCase is really very simple, with few clicks you now have a ready form that includes, edit, and delete records from a table in the database, also featuring the navigation of records. The tutorial is quite simple, just choose the table you want the form to be created and ready, ScriptCase analyzes all fields and already places quickly and practice validators, fields and even information that may eventually depend on an another table (relationships).

The entire structure of the code is generated automatically, you only need to specify our application and which table you want to use and ready! Simple is not it? No more worrying about validators so there is no error at the time of insertion of the bank or problems related fields.

Want to gain more agility in the development of their web systems? Then download and start using ScriptCase right now also enjoy our free course that will help you get started.

I hope you enjoyed these tips. Follow our blog and stay on top of all the news.

By ,

May 22, 2013


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