PHP and Scriptcase. A web development languages ​​most used is the php with its rise beginning in mid-2002 which at that time had approximately 100,000 sites developed on the platform soon had one of the biggest growth story jumping more than 2 million sites in June 2004. This growth was mainly the advantages which the developers had to use the platform.

With several possibilities PHP prominence very quickly growing over 200% in two years. Obviously the competitive advantages of PHP led many developers to invest in learning and qualification. Now let’s meet some of the advantages that made PHP became so popular.

  • Easy Learning: Several elements of the PHP language inherit from C and Perl, both widely used by developers early in their careers;
  • Access to the database: Ease of connection with various types of banks;
  • Speed: The PHP has always been optimized to require only enough server;
  • Multi-platform: Unlike other platforms, PHP runs on both Windows and servers on Linux servers.

Thinking of all these advantages ScriptCase joined the PHP as default language of your projects. When an application is created, the files generated from the project will be all “.php”. Thus any programmer who has a notion, even basic PHP able to manipulate files without problems. Another important point is that as PHP is multi-platform environment no matter where the application was developed, it may be allocated to any server and run normally.

Using PHP as default language was one of the best choices for ScriptCase, always thinking in most variables a web development project involves realize that PHP can supply them all with great quality.

Want to know a little more about ScriptCase? Then visit our Courses page, meet and learn more about our web development tool.

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By ,

May 24, 2013


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