Some solutions in the database can represent a high cost to be part of the project and subsequently passed on to the customer, often require resources that principle only a DBMS can offer paid. Analyzing this scenario we realize that even though this need but there is a financially viable option to circumvent this problem, currently Postgres SQL is a free database that can help in situations like this and it is about him that we will discuss below.

The Postgres SQL is today one of the databases most advanced free market, it was created in 1985 by Michael Stonebraker and today is version 9.0 which was released in 2010. What does the Postgres SQL is one of the best free solutions for DBMS is the fact that it has a multitude of features, many of them exclusive DBMS paid. Thanks to the team of developers who are already part of the community that the updates can rely on features such as:

  • Complex queries;
  • Foreign keys;
  • Transactional integrity;
  • Concurrency control multi-version;
  • Support hybrid object-relational;
  • Triggers;
  • Views;
  • Procedural language in various languages (PL / pgSQL, PL / Python, PL / Java, PL / Perl) to Stored Procedures;
  • Indexing text;
  • Structure for storing georeferenced data (PostGIS)

Because of this, currently Postgres SQL is widely used in projects of medium and high complexity, another plus in its use is the volume of updates from the developer community. The PostgreSQL Global Development Group, a group that manages updates the bank gets help from programmers worldwide, as the code is open source anyone can create features and submit the analysis team that manages updates versions of Postgres SQL.


PHP PostgreSQL

Currently he is known as one of the most advanced free databases in the world, created in 1985 by Michael Stonebraker, it is in the version 9.0 released in 2010. The PostgreSQL Global Development Group works hard in the source code of the database to make it more complete.PostgreSQL has gained more space in the market for web development because of the large amount of resources it has, moreover, it is a free DBMS and this makes it extremely attractive for those who need to work with low-cost projects.

PHP PostgreSQL

Who uses the PostgreSQL database in PHP projects successfully combine low production and maintenance cost, also it has many of the features that the databases offers thus making it a complete option.

But when you are developing a project, is essential to have a tool that can assist you. With Scriptcase you can easily connect to PostgreSQL database, all you need to inform to connect to the PostgreSQL is:

  • Connection Name: It will help you identify the connection among the others.
  • DBMS Driver: it Will show a list with all drivers available.
  • Server/Host(Name or IP): The physical address from the database, it may be local on your machine, on your local network or remote in the cloud.
  • Port: The port that you want to use to connect to your database.
  • Username: Username for the user from the database.
  • Password: The password from the previous selected username.

PHP PostgreSQL Connection

Once you connect Scriptcase with your database, it will read your tables and create applications based on the desired tables. Scriptcase will identify all special characteristics from your table, such as primary keys, foreign key, auto-increments, among others, and will show that at the application level. All the CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) actions will be managed by the Scriptcase. On forms and reports all the navigation, searches and filters (Static or Dynamic) will be also handled by Scriptcase automatically.

Scriptcase support stored procedures and all SQL statements (joins, order by, group by, among others) of PostgreSQL, why lose time when you have Scriptcase to help you out?! Download it now and test it free for 20 days!

Know more about the best and most efficient PHP RAD Tool of the market! Get to know Scriptcase.
I hope you enjoyed these tips. Follow our blog and stay on top of all the news.

By ,

June 18, 2013


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