The CSS is used to display the different elements of HTML consistent throughout the website. Among all the text property is very important as everything is dependent on it in the website. The different Property CSS: Text is as follows:

1) Text Color: This is used to set the color of the text. There are different CSS color values that can be used to set the color of the text through the documents.

2) Text Alignment: It is used to set the horizontal alignment for the text. There is different type of alignment like left, right, center and justified.

3) Letter Spacing: It is used to set the spacing between the letters of the text. It has different values like normal and length. The length will specify pixel spacing between letters.

4) Text Decoration: This is used for decorating the text to make it look more attractive. There are different values for it like underline to place a underline below the text ,over line to place line above the text, line through to have the underline crossing the text and blink to have blinking text.

5) Text Indent: It is used to give the indent to the first line of the text. There values given can be in length or percentage depending on the requirement.

6) Text Transform: It is used to transform the text in different formats and thus control its size. The different values are uppercase which will set all the text in capital letters, lower case to set all the text in small letters and capitalize which will make all the first character of all the text in capital form.

7) Text Shadow: It will control the shadow effect on the text.

8) Word Spacing: It is used to give the spacing between the words of the text. You can specify the length to decide the spacing.

This Property CSS: Text will give the different properties to text and make it look beautiful and attractive.

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By ,

July 18, 2013


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