Rendering HTML in PHP: HTML is the basis for creating any page and in many situations it is necessary to render it at runtime. This means that at any given time it needs to be written the extent to which the code is running.

To make it clearer that kind of situation, an example will be shown in sequence in HTML:


function returnlink(){

return ‘<a >Scriptcase</a>’





<div><?php returnsLinks()  ?></div>



In the example, a link is rendered inside a div from a PHP method. In a simple way, it is possible to understand the working logic in more complex situations. A link can be rendered, as well as any other elements such as a selection list or button.

Now, using logic, a second example will be presented:


function returnslist ($reg){

$lst = ‘<ul>’;

for ($i = 1; $i <= $reg; $i++)


$lst = $lst .'<li>’.$i.'</li>’;


$lst = $lst.'</ul>’;

                return $lst;





<div><?php returnsList (10)  ?></div>



In the example, a sequential list according to the reported number of records in the method call is rendered. The exit code of our example will be:













This type of logic can be used, for example, to traverse an array with data loaded from a query in the database.

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By ,

July 8, 2015


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