Sybase Inc. is a software company that provides services and products related to information management, mobility, messaging, development tools, data warehousing and OLAP. Since 1984, it has been the leading innovator of database technology market development and still maintains a significant business growth because of its relational database, Adaptive Server Enterprise.

Sybase ASE database has features to support distributed processing, Adaptive Server Anywhere can be used with Sybase Enterprise Application Server for distributed transactions, you can use also with the DTC (Distributed Transaction Coordinator) in applications. The datavase supports the ODBC and OLE DB.

Through the Two-Phase-commit feature, it is able to manage distributed transactions and if a server does not respond or respond negatively, the entire transaction is undone. Besides, it has also driver for XML, Oracle7.xe 9.x, Sybase ASE driver and informixdriver for Informix 7.x and 9.x.

Sybase also uses the TDS (Tabular Data Stream) protocol that offers more performance and thoghput and you do not need DBMS middleware installed on the client. The necessary libraries to link to other databases are installed with the ODBC driver. It also makes use of the RFI (Recovery falt Isolation) that performs a partial recovery, isolates the corruption found during the recovery of corrupted pages and restores database integrity isolated, repairing corruption page per page (hence object by object).

Is a relational database that has strong and ACID characteristics. Considering safety and performance, Sybase has great advantages over other relational databases, being voted one of the world’s best databases and used in large transactions facials.

As for the support, all Sybase support customers have access to, site where the user can find answers to technical questions without trigger technical support via phone, an option that also proves very efficient. Moreover, the client can build its own web page and customize the media content. This way you can, for example, get all the latest information on Sybase products, notifications by e-mail on topics you choose, open and manage your own support cases, access technical documents and perform software downloads.

A robust data management system and a quality support ensure the Sybase recognition from those who use it in their daily lives. More advanced applications that require additional features and performance find in Sybase a highly reliable option for a quality service to be provided. Therefore, analyzing the demand and considering the Sybase use in such applications guarantees a long lifetime of the system increased.

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July 7, 2015


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