The importance of documentation in projects is to ensure that all the functionality of the project is included in the system and for easy maintenance at a later time. Projects are the systems that the software engineers build to automate the functioning in a certain organization. When the system is being made it involves a team which work together to come up with a software which can be able to handle a lot of functions in an organization.

Putting into consideration of the, automated transfer machine services. It is a program that is run by all banks in the whole world. It allows one to withdraw money at many points of the country and not only from the place where one was registered to have a bank account. The system is able to hold data for all its customers and does not hinder anyone to use it as long it is in order.

From the above example, the importance of documentation in projects is to ensure all the functionalities were written before getting into real coding. Before the programmers, gets to the step of coding them always have gone through some other steps. They identify which problem is at hand like for example, for the bank, they wanted to eliminate the queuing of people just to withdraw money.

After that, they know what system they want. They design the system by writing on a piece of paper and then evaluate the design to be in a point to start real coding. After the coding is done, they do the testing of the program. If the program does all the purpose the owner wanted, they end up installing it to the system of the owner of the project. In future if the system needs to be updated or changed, they follow the documentation inside the programs to do the changes.

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By ,

July 29, 2013


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