Users Monitoring Tips: Deal with conflict situations is the function of any manager, especially when it comes to systems. A particular action in an application can generate a considerable problem with impacts – and, in the case of organizations, each negative impact has direct consequences in revenues. So it is essential that all happen within what is expected.

Considering the scenario mentioned above, the human factor can be considered the greatest risk. In these cases, then, monitoring users is indispensable.

A user can generate various actions within an application and from that, a mistake can happen, human error is inevitable. However, it is mandatory that the system stores all these actions and as a result gives the manager the data in the form of reports.

In development environments, the practice of creating application for logs schemes is not so common. This is due to the fact that most projects do not consider this kind of demand in their surveys. Nevertheless, any fact justifies the lack of this important resource. The system analyst, when identifying the absence of this requirement, should signal and point out the best way.

Then having the logs scheme as a technically feasible option, some items should be considered in its development:

  • All system actions must be mapped;
  • Date and time must necessarily be part of the log record;
  • The per-user control is essential;
  • Just as Date and Time, the screen where the user originated the action must be part of the record;
  • In reports it is important to inform: Date, Time, Home Screen, Action, login and user name.

One of the major obstacles when identifying and implementing corrective actions happens when a particular user makes available to third parties its access data and these, in turn, end up causing a problem within the application. Despite being a risk factor difficult to control, stricter access data use policies will ensure that advocacy actions like this are reduced considerably.

Maintenance of a system that runs on business scope is an arduous task, but it can be facilitated with the use of efficient control tools. A system that provides data from logs, turns out to be fundamental in the management process.

Agility in identifying and solving problems is what makes the work of a more assertive manager. Thus, it is possible to promote more quality and efficiency to processes, making them better and better.

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October 26, 2015


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