What is tableless HTML? This is a common question asked by many people who hear the word for the first time. Well, table-less HTML is a method of web design where web designing is done without the use of HTML tables. Instead of the HTML tables, style sheet languages such as cascading style sheets (CSS) are used.

Advantages of Table less HTML

The main advantage of the method is that it improves the accessibility of information on the internet.  This allows many users to use the information. Due to the design of the site, it’s not only easy to access the information (either using a computer or a phone) but it’s also easy to download the information on most sites.

Another advantage is that CSS saves bandwidth. This is because most of the meaningless tags that were used in the HTML tables are removed. This ensures that the sites have only the relevant paragraphs, headings, and lists. This makes the site not only beautiful but also easy to navigate.

Another advantage (for those who are still asking, what is tableless HTML?) is that table-less HTML makes it easy for one to maintain the site. In case there is an improvement that you would like to make on the site, it’s easy to make it. To make the changes, you only need to make several alterations in the markup of the CSS and immediately the changes are effected.

For those who were asking, what is tableless HTML? now you know. It’s simply a style of web design that is more appealing than the previous HTML table method.

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By ,

October 4, 2013


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