Understand how PAD Soluciones used Scriptcase to fully develop its management and optimization system PAD Educa for educational establishments.

Founded in 1995, PAD Soluciones is an IT service and product provider, providing comprehensive advice on the Design, Development and Implementation of high-value solutions, obtaining improvements in management and business productivity for big companies.


We were looking for a tool that would help us speed up the development of some of our systems and services. In particular, a system for the educational field.


We developed PAD Educa, a tool for the daily management of educational establishments and optimizing the organization’s internal processes.



The application was developed 100% in Scriptcase and is now available on the Oracle Marketplace or on the PAD website.


PADEduca can be administered at each establishment or by a higher entity, providing a centralized vision and a tool for the corporations responsible for different teaching units.


The system has a messaging service. Internal messages achieve better and more proactive (timely) communication between schools and families. By not depending on other applications or electronic devices in particular.


PADEduca has an SAE Module that allows a centralized SAE charge of students who have entered the establishment and the vacancies available there. Also, there’s the SIGE Module that has semi-automatic integration through flat files. The PAD Educa platform was developed 100% in Scriptcase and has more than 100 features.


The system allows you to consult the information provided by the establishment through your mobile device at any time and place.


The option allows you to manage file uploads, allowing students to access study material in different formats. 

“The entire system was developed 100% in Scriptcase.”

Cristian Echenique​ – Socio Director PAD [ SYSTEMS | Soluciones | RRHH ]
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By , Graduating in International Relations, I studied Information Systems. I have experience in the field of technical support and programming in Python. Currently I work with international marketing in the commercial department of Scriptcase.

January 17, 2022


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