Come check out the success story of the State University of Pará – UEPA.

The University of the State of Pará – UEPA has an ICT management distributed in 5 university campuses, 3 administrative and the State Planetarium. There are also health units in the capital of Pará, and 16 more campuses in the interior of the State.

The specialized technical team has a high turnover as they are temporary residents employees and there is a great demand for software services between various internal selection processes such as awards, academic events, graduate selections, monitoring, student assistance, among others.

Use a tool that has a low learning curve and that offers the necessary functionality to continue the active systems.
Results ( University of the State of Pará):
Thanks to SC we were able to more easily maintain the knowledge acquired during projects developed in the past. This made it possible for new technicians to continue improving what has already been produced without going through the trauma of a new beginning.

89 – Projects developed generating a total of 871 applications.

Currently we have a total of 56 projects still being developed, all in the latest version of Scriptcase 9.4.

Scriptcase has constant updates that can be easily incorporated into projects.

Low learning curve unlike many other tools. with Scriptcase we are able to keep the development up to date even with the rotation of the technical team.
Details of the results:
In general terms, the university is present in 17 counties in Pará offering 32 undergraduate courses with a number of 17,000 students enrolled between undergraduate and graduate courses, and on-site and distance learning.
The university also has international agreements with 31 Institutions in 14 countries around the world.
As already mentioned, there is a great demand for software services, among which: various internal selection processes such as awards, academic events, graduate selections, monitoring, student assistance, and others. Various administrative demands, such as the issuing and rendering of accounts for identified slips, management, and academic reports for accountability and as support for decision making.
Scriptcase’s own conception as a RAD tool fits properly within our needs. In addition to the high learning curve during tool updates, benefits are more easily incorporated as an application designed to be originally web can be also responsive, or when versions infrastructure services evolve requiring updating of servers, and such actions do not generate major impacts on projects with the software team.
We started using ScriptCase in 2006 in version 3, and today we are already in version 9.4. It had been 14 years since the first time we used it and we can say that it completely meets our demands.
It is with these differentials that UEPA maintains many of its projects in ScriptCase which is seen as an efficient and adequate tool for the challenges that the Institution has been facing. This being the objective reasons why to recommend it to other organizations.
Ítalo Flexa Di Paolo, Lecturer and Director of Data Processing Services at UEPA
See this and more cases here: CASES OF SUCCESS
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