Check out how DRey Solutions uses Scriptcase to streamline and synthesize the process of maintenance, implementation, and development of its systems.


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We offer software for storing medical images, which can be viewed by the professional and the patient through a web portal.

Carlos D’Angelo: Independent developer for over 30 years, I am currently dedicated to Systems Maintenance and Software implementation for Medical Clinics, namely in HIS (Hospital Information System) and RIS (Radiology Information System)

El problema Drey Solutions


We needed to implement a WEB portal for the patients to see their reports and images and make appointments. And another for health professionals so that they can make their reports remotely.

La solution Drey Solutions


An intranet portal was developed for professionals and administrators and another for patients, where they can consult their reports and images and make appointments.


Results (DRey Solutions):

20 days and 115 users

The Professionals’ Portal took less than 20 days to develop, including the interfaces with the legacy system. Today the system has 115 users.

35 days and 46.665 users

Having the same agility in development, the Patient Portal took 35 days, including the interfaces with the legacy system. And today, it has 46,665 users.

+222.000 Patients

The Preventus Medical Center system has a headquarters, five branches, more than 222,000 patients, and 115 professionals.

Agility in processes

With the Preventus Medical Center system, we were able to reduce the rate of printing reports on paper and the delivery of images on plates, obtaining better and faster service.

7,000 monthly registrations

We have a monthly flow of more than 7,000 entries and an average of 400 new users.

We have a monthly access flow of more than 7000 income and, on average, 400 new users.

flujo de acceso mensual

The average age of the highest income is between 39 and 53 years old, including people from seniors who understand its use.

La edad promedio de mayores ingresos

Visualization of reports and images of monthly patients.

Visualización de informes

Appointments requested to the system with an average of more than 4,000 per month

Turnos solicitados

Control Panel

Control Panel


Drey Solutions: Preventus Medical Center
Vea este ejemplo de integración con el sitio web de Preventus Medical Center:

Patient Portal

Portal del paciente
Pantalla principal de bienvenida

Professional Intranet Portal


PACS (Images)

My patients

For more information about the system:

Carlos D ́Angelo

Cel. 03407-15-467308


Check out this and many other successful cases on our Scriptcase blog!

By , Graduating in International Relations, I studied Information Systems. I have experience in the field of technical support and programming in Python. Currently I work with international marketing in the commercial department of Scriptcase.

April 6, 2023


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