Check out the ASSENKO Software success story. 


Founded in June 1992, Assenko Informática Ltda in the person of its founder has always stood out for its agility in developing solutions and meeting customer demands, seeking to personalize and satisfy the simplest to the most complex needs of companies operating in the real estate market and civil construction.


I received a request from a client to develop a new application for their sales department which had to be online and that could grant access from anywhere to many brokers and real estate agents as possible, especially while on sales duty. It also needed to allow the construction company’s administration to monitor purchases, sale proposals, availability of units, and other controls and sales reports.


I found in Scriptcase the possibility to serve my client’s needs and I really liked the tool that allowed me to reach a new level of development, including leading me to update my other applications.



With Scriptcase I will be able to relaunch my old systems in Delphi, on a new platform now as a multi-bank and multi-company SAAS, using version 9.

The tool makes it possible to develop web applications, quickly and safely. The question of security and tool log was essential for our projects because if we needed to develop this part from scratch it would be much more complicated and time-consuming.

Scriptcase offers a complete development environment in addition to having a set of applications that make the system modern and functional.

Details of the results:

Assenko Informática has had its facilities for over 25 years, we work with 2 projects, both ERP Systems for Construction Companies: SiacconImob developed in 2017 and SicconWeb which is an adaptation of an older system created in Delphi 7, this second being still under development.

There are still 10 modules to complete in the SiacconWeb system, but we will work and sell to customers with the 5 modules developed that are essential for any construction company. They are Purchase / Sales, After Sales, Financial, Quotation Portal and Construction Management modules. In addition, the future modules that continue to be developed and implemented are Engineering, Equipment, Contractors, Public Notices, Accounting, Human Resources, Document Management, Works Regularization, Feasibility Study, and Management Data.

” I recommend using this tool for anyone who still has any doubts about how to develop web applications, quickly and safely.”

João Maria Assuero Filho – Owner partnership.

Tela de Login SIACCON IMOB

Módulo de Vendas

Tela de Autenticação

Tela de Compras

See this and others cases here: CASES OF SUCESS

By , Graduating in International Relations, I studied Information Systems. I have experience in the field of technical support and programming in Python. Currently I work with international marketing in the commercial department of Scriptcase.

July 22, 2020


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